Our History
Dr. Henry Shilling, founder of Transylvania Bible School (now Biblical Life Institute) was no stranger to biblical studies or to walking by faith. He received his Bible school training at God’s Bible School, then his high school diploma, and finally his college degrees. Although a college education is needed for many vocations, he felt his training at the Bible school grounded him firmly in holiness background and doctrine. Our Bible school began with seven years of faith (1938-1945).
By faith, Dr. Shilling purchased White Oak Camp which was operated as a service station, dance hall, and tourist camp. Through God’s direction this parcel of land was turned into a camp meeting , youth convention, and finally a Bible School.
The name Transylvania was changed to Biblical Life Institute, but the concept of providing a strong biblical foundation remains the same. The beautiful three-story building, built by Dr. Shilling and the students, still remains surrounded by many of the original white oak trees.
The Faith Principal Remains the same:
Pray a definite prayer for a definite need. Meet definite conditions peculiar to that need. Exercise a definite faith for that need. God will answer with a definite answer.